This 7.62x51mm ammo was produced at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in?Missouri.? This 7.62 NATO ammo is loaded to the M80 NATO designation and is produced on the same production lines used to supply the US military. This ammo isn’t polished like commercially available ammunition, there is discoloration from the annealing process which is how Military Ammo is produced.
This ammo is Bulk packed in a 500 round 50 Cal. Can.?This is not seconds Ammo like much of the Lake City 7.62 x 51 Ammo on the market, this is new first run from Lake City.? This is some of the best 7.62×51 ammo on the market.??
Rounds Per Can-? 500
Muzzle Velocity-? 2735 fps
Tags: 7.62 win 7.62 nato 7.62×51 nato 51 nato
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